The End is a very dark and spooky, void dimension consisting of separate islands in empty space. The ground is entirely made of endstone, with the exception of the endcities where there are purpur blocks in the buildings. The end is home to endermen, endermites and of course the enderdragon! The latter spawns in at the center of the main island above the final portal of the game.
An END CRYSTAL is a special item that naturally forms at the top of the end pillars surrounding the portal. They are detrimental to defeating the enderdragon, seeing as with them it heals endlessly. They also be crafted by the player. Be careful however, because when the crystal is interacted with it explodes.
The ENDER DRAGON is the largest natural mob in minecraft and also the final boss of the game. It only spawns (naturally) in the end as it defends the portal home from the players. When fighting the dragon watch out for its acid attacks and for its wings, which can launch you quickly and fatally into the air.
The ENDERMAN is a threateningly tall mob that dislikes direct eye contact to the point of aggro-ing to whoever does. This mob can pick up blocks/items and place them down as they please. It is also hydrophobic and teleports very quickly to avoid or chase something.
An ENDERMITE is a suprise piranha like creature that may or may not appear whenver you throw an enderpearl. CAUTION: they bite.
The CHORUS FRUIT is a native end plant that allows whoever eats it to teleport 8 blocks from their position, though the exact location is randomized and always a surprise. This is one of the only food items in minecraft that can be eaten even when the player's hunger is full.
The ELYTRA is one of the coolest perks of reaching the end. It is a one of a kind (genuinely there is only one) item, that allows the wearer to glide through the air. This item, paired with rockets, can allow you to soar endlessly in the sky.
A SHULKER is a horrible and very frustrating mob, that exists solely in the end and protects the end city ships. It attacks with little homing missiles out of its hard box like shell, and god forbid those things catch you because they cause you to float upwards with no control. On the positive side, these mobs, once killed, drop the materials for some of the most sought out items in the game. The shulker box! A chest that keeps its hold on whatever it has inside even when it breaks. Allowing the player to have a backpack-like thing in their pockets!
A stronghold is a structure that holds the portal to the end. It will always spawn a minimum of 160 blocks away from the world origin. This place is very hard to get to purposefully. You need blaze powder and enderpearls to seek out its exact location.
Inside the stronghold, aside from the portal, there are a multitude of other rooms and mazes. Libraries and chests of loot, winding hallways and stairs. It is very easy to get lost in such a place.
End gateways are interdimensional portals generated in the End, typically found on the outskirts of the islands, floating precariously above the void. These gateways can lead you from the main island to the farland end cities and vice-versa. All you need to do, for these to work, is to throw an enderpearl into its center.
End cities are anti-architect friendly structures that can be found at the other end of, well, the End. These odd formations of blocks that are actually buildings, are the home to shulker's and enderman. Above the end cities, you can find an end ship, which holds an elytra.